Our media program gets a lot of help from the community. How's about we help out our community now? There's different things we could do to help and I think the class next year should start lending a hand to everyone.

This could be a great oppurtunity for the media students to both bond and give back what the community has given us. Next years class should set up some sort of community service once every quarter. The amount of time and energy you put into it should count as a grade also. It could be very interesting to see out students doing a food drive or a fundraiser for cancer or something.

I'm not very familiar with community service but a simple food drive is a smart thing to start off with. We could do it like the leadership students do it. Send boxes out to advisories and the class with the most canned goods gets a pizza party or ice cream party. We could even go out on day to some beaches and do a simple beach clean up.

Getting more involved in the community can be beneficial to us and the community. I think it's an absolutely great idea to do this. People would respect us more and be more happy about helping us get to the Student Television Network Convention.

The students might get a little stressed at the amount of work, but hey that's what you signed up for! It's kind of like a taste of what life ahead of you will be. Even though I'll be leaving media, maybe I can come back and help out once and a while. Community Service here we come!

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