So, last Saturday we did a Sweet Sixteen Practice. Sweet Sixteen is a 16 hour event. You have 16 hours to go and get news stories to fill up a 10 minute broadcast. There was the film team and the broadcast team. I was in the broadcast team.

The given topic was success. Everyone gathered in a circle and we brainstormed some possible stories we could do. My group ended up doing a story on Puka Dogs. Puka Dogs is a store in Poipu where they sell their hot dogs and freshly squeezed lemonade. They went from a regular hot dog stand, to a popular store in Poipu.

My team consisted of myself, Ben Brady, and Kaycee. Our story luckily made the deadline to bring it to the main editors. I wasn't there, I had gotten sick and had to leave early. From what I heard our story still turned out to be good. We got a lot of B-roll while we were there. I was the main camera person in that group. It all turned out to be good.

We are in the process of getting ready to leave for Florida. Up in Florida we'll have to go through the real thing. This will be my 3rd and final year going to the STN Convention with the CKTV Group. I will miss it because I'll have to leave all the fun and stress and the CKTV Ohana. It's going to be a good experience with everyone.

Hopefully we will have a strong story up in Florida. Our team works together well. We get things done and try hard doing it. I hope we are successful up in Florida as well!

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