At the Student Television Network Convention there are many competitions such as PSA, Movie Trailer, Music Video, Sweet Sixteen and more. At this years Convention I would like to compete in the Movie Trailer. I have never competed in this competition.

    The reason I want to compete in Movie Trailer is because you sometimes have to be dramatic. I like dramatic films that pull you in so you want to watch the real movie. A movie trailer is kind of like a preview of a movie, when you make a movie trailer you have to try hard to have everything good so that it pulls the audience in. I want to be apart of that. 

    We have to have teams in the competition. In movie trailer you can have up to 6 people. Right now we aren't sure what the teams will be like. Soon we will start practicing and whoever comes out on the winning side gets to compete in that competition. We need to have clear shots, good audio, an understandable story outline, and the Movie Trailer needs to be on topic. All of that can help my team get to STN and hopefully win.

    When you are at the competition, you only have 4-6 hours to produce a movie trailer. Usually it would be 2 hours for shooting and 2 hours for editing. If that's the case, in the first two hours you must brainstorm ideas and put ideas together until you come up with what you are sticking with. Then, you have to shoot your scenes. After you do all of that, you might want to check your footage before you go into the editing room. But, once you get in the editing room, you begin to edit the footage you have and try to create a good 30 second movie trailer. 

    The STN Convention is very stressful. This year I want to compete in the Movie Trailer competition which means hard work. Our teams aren't determined yebut hopefully

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